2013 – 2015 Master Fine Arts, Bergen Academy of Art and Design, Bergen, Norway
2014 – 2015 Nordic Sound Art Program, KUNO Joint Study Program
2009 – 2013 Bachelor Fine Arts, Minerva Art Academy, Groningen, The Netherlands


2023-25: Make and publish an artist (audio)book on how we orient ourselves in our surroundings
2024: Group exhibition at Nitja senter for samtidskunst, curated by NyMusikk
2024: Text commission for a publication of The Wetland Pavilion, initiated by artist Signe Lidén (NO). To be published autumn 2024.
2024-25: Sound work commission for the film project Hvis jeg var en meitemark by artist Unni Gjertsen (NO)

Solo exhibitions
2021 Disobedient Buildings, Torn Tracks invited by the Disobedient Buildings research project and Gallery Van Etten, Van Etten, Oslo
2020 A day in 48 minutes – A RUMMUR_radio remix, audio work broadcasted on RUMMUR_radio in Bergen, curated by Eva Rowson, Maia Urstad and Peter Meanwell
2017 Torn Tracks: Platform launch, Visningsrommet USF, Bergen
2016 Torn Tracks, solo show, Lydgalleriet, Bergen
2015 ‘blank’: Space#1 (with Aski Dahl), Galleriet, Umeå Academy of Fine Arts, Umeå
2014 Skiwi and Cocobutt (with Regine Stensæth Josefsen), Galleri Bokboden, Bergen

Group exhibitions
2024 Tiden bretter seg, a commissioned sound work as part of Theia, an exhibition by Marie Nerland, Hordaland Kunstsenter, Bergen (NO)
2023 Decennial Dialogues, group exhibition at Academy Minerva, Groningen (NL)
2022 Part of Oslo Kunstforeningen’s advent calendar
2021 A day in 48 minutes – A RUMMUR_radio remix, broadcasted online as part of Borealis Festival’s Resonating Nordnes: FM-jakt
2020 Torn Tracks performance, F/eks concert series, Kafe Hærverk, Oslo
2019 Torn Tracks: 6 site-specific sound works + 2 performances for Vestlandsutstillingen 2019 at: KUBE (Ålesund), Haugesund Billedgalleri, Kunsthuset Kabuso (Øystese), Kunsthall Stavanger, Sogn og Fjordane Kunstmuseum (Førde), Kunstgarasjen (Bergen)
2019 Reality-based Audio Workshop: Mongstad, 80 min. collaborative sound piece, Borealis Festival, Bergen
2019 Torn Tracks performance in the Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb and the Modern and Contemporary Art Museum in Rijeka, Device_art Festival/Future DiverCities project, Kontejner, Croatia
2018 Torn Tracks performance at concert as part of Maia Urstad og Anton Kats’ collaborative commission at Bergen Kunsthall, supported by Re-Imagine Europe
2018 Torn Tracks in the group exhibition Join the Reunion, Kunstpodium T, Tilburg (NL)
2018 Untitled (2013), Untitled (2018) and Torn Tracks exhibited at Tendens’ interior/design fair at Grieghallen, curated by Art+Folk and Kunstguide, Bergen (NO)
2018 Torn Tracks performance at the opening of Newfangled Futures by Anne Cecilie Lie and Annike Flo, Vitenparken, Ås (NO)
2018 Torn Tracks performance at Hildelund Konstfestival, Västra Ämtervik, Sweden
2018 The work, collaborative project led by TASC Ablett & Brafield for Norden til Bergen under B-Open (with Robert Demeter, Ole Martin Meland & Mathias Stoltenberg), Bergen
2018 Open studio during B-Open, Bergen
2018 Torn Tracks performance at the Bergen Centre for Electronic Art for ToBeContinued, broadcasted online from Stazione di Topolò, Italy
2018 Torn Tracks performance at Lydgalleriet’s jubilee book launch, Lydgalleriet, Bergen
2017 Skiwi & Cocobutt (with Regine Stensæth Josefsen) at Winter Solstice, Oslo
2017 B-Open, open studios weekend, Bergen
2017 Torn Tracks included for the Borealis Radio Space, Borealis, Bergen
2016 Torn Tracks performance, launch of Utstillingsguide Bergen, Galleri Christinegård, Bergen
2015 Torn Tracks performance at Not anything but, Landmark, Bergen
2015 Sel əwe, Nordic Sound Art Final Exhibition, HIAP, Helsinki
2015 Torn Tracks performance at Mari Kolbeinson’s exhibition at Studio17, Stavanger
2015 Discount Parachutes, Degree Show Master in Fine Arts, Bergen Kunsthall, Bergen
2014 Open Studios, Bergen Academy of Art and Design, Bergen
2013 Foto’s die foto’s onderzoeken, PRICCAPractice, Groningen
2013 Degree Show Bachelor in Fine Arts, Academy Minerva, Groningen
2013 Leerling/Meester Project, #16: Albert van Westing, Kunstpodium T, Tilburg
2013 Art Shows…, Academy Minerva, Groningen
2012 In A Nutshell, Walnut Mixstore, Groningen
2012 Digital Symbiosis, Graansilo, Assen
2012 Books of Minerva, Openbare Bibliotheek, Groningen

2024 Project funding for new work in a group exhibition at Nitja senter for samtidskunst, Billedkunstnernes Vederlagsfond, Norway
2024 Work stipend (1 yr), Billedkunstnernes Vederlagsfond, Norway
2021-23 Work stipend for younger/newly established artists, Kulturrådet, Norway
2020 Extraordinary (Covid-19) work stipend, Kulturrådet, Norway
2020 Work stipend, Billedkunstnernes Vederlagsfond, Norway
2019 Work stipend, Billedkunstnernes Vederlagsfond, Norway
2018 Exhibition funding for Torn Tracks at Vestlandsutstillingen, Arts Council Norway
2018 Project funding, Bergen Kommune
2018 Work Stipend, Billedkunstnernes Vederlagsfonds, Norway
2017 Project funding, Bergen Kommune
2016 Project funding Billedkunstnernes Vederlagsfonds, NBK
2016 Etableringsstipend, Bergen Kommune
2015 Diversestipend for nyutdannede kunstnere, Arts Council Norway

2023 Particular Universal, 2-week residency in Castro Marim (Portugal), curated by nyMusikk
2022 2-week residency at Bergen Centre for Electronic Art (Norway) with artist and musician Mathias Loose

2023 Decennial Dialogues, interviews with 30 alumni from 2013, Art Academy Minerva
2021 Elektronisk Kunst i Norge – Kunstnere og verk fra 1960 til 2020,, p.112-113
2019 Vi er stedene, publication Vestlandsutstillingen 2019, p.46-47
2019 Device_art, festival catalogue, p.288-291

2022-now Producer for The Wetland Pavilion, a project initiated by artist Signe Lidén
2020-now Board member at UKS (the Young Artists’ Society)
2023 Workshop participant: Murmurations #4, on experimental field recording, organized by jez riley french and Pheobe riley Law, Scotland
2023 Held a workshop on sound maps during the Particular Universal-residency in Portugal
2022 Made a series of 3 video-tutorials on microphones for Nuts & Bolts
2021-2022 SHAPE-artist with the duo Jiska Huizing & Rudi Valdersnes
2019-2020 Project-based producer at Atelier Nord, Oslo
2019 Release of IDE002 by Jiska Huizing & Rudi Valdersnes on Ideophone Records
2019 Participant in communication workshop for artists organized by Device_art Festival, Zagreb
2018 Participant in the workshop Reality-based audio with Ernst Karel, part of workshops for experienced users organised by BEK/Notam, Bergen
2018 Release of Drum & Trails by Jiska Huizing & Rudi Valdersnes on Ideophone Records
2018-now Founded record label Ideophone Records with Julie Silset and Rudi Valdersnes
2018-2019 Deputy board member for Borealis Festival, Bergen
2018 Project manager, Borealis Festival, Bergen
2017 Presentation of Torn Tracks at Musikkteknologidagene 2017, Norwegian Academy of Music, Oslo
2017 Project manager, Borealis Festival, Bergen
2015-2018 Employee at Østre/Lydgalleriet
2015 Documenting I am just waiting (elasticity of time) by TASC, Galleri Volt, Bergen
2015 Lecture at Academy Minerva on Rhododendron Project, Groningen
2014 Lecture at PRICCAPractice’s first expert meeting Photos investigating photos, Groningen
2014 Volunteer photographer for the Borealis Festival, Bergen
2013 Volunteer at Reframe Festival, Eindhoven
2010–2012 Student ambassador Noorderlicht, Groningen
2010 Editorial work for the Online oeuvrecatalogus H.N. Werkman, the Werkman project, Groninger Museum
2010 Photo assignment for the company Zechsal, Groningen