Exhibition / Nitja senter for samtidskunst
24th Aug-6th of Oct 2024

Based on the Particular Universal residency in Castro Marim (Portugal) that I was at in April 2023, I will make new work that will be shown in a group exhibition at Nitja senter for samtidskunst. The exhibition will show works from artists that have been at the residency at Castro Marim, as well as the connected residency for Portugese artists at Magerøya in the north of Norway. The exhibition is a collaboration between Ntija, nyMusikk, Notam and OUT.RA.
OUT.RA is a Portuguese cultural organization based in Barreiro, which focuses on innovative and experimental music and sound, and which, in collaboration with nyMusikk, has facilitated artistic exploration and exchange through residencies in Portugal and Norway. nyMusikk has a long tradition of promoting experimental sound art and music here in Norway, including through the festival Ultima. Notam (Norwegian center for technology in music and art) is a professional resource for artists who work with art, music and technology.
The exhibition is a part of Ultima festival 2024 and opens on the 24th of August.
Exhibition / Hordaland Kunstsenter
25th of May-11th of Aug 2024

Artist Marie Nerland has invited me to make a sound work for her exhibition at Hordaland Kunstsenter, which opens this May. Alongside this sound work, Marie has also invited artists Mette Edvardsen and Icaro Zorbar to present a new live work/performance in the gallery space.
The starting point for the sound work is the recording of a text written by Nerland, which was read by actor and dancer Mariama Slåttøy.
Tutorial series / Tutorials on microphones for Nuts and Bolts

In 2022, I made a series of 3 tutorials on microphones for the platform Nuts and Bolts. In these videos I will explain what a microphone is, how they work, look at important microphone specifications and dive into some more experimental types of microphones.
Episode 1: This first episode looks at what a microphone is and its similarities to and differences from human hearing. We’ll look at 4 main categories of microphones that exist (condenser, dynamic, ribbon and contact microphones), in addition to pickups, and how these mics work.
Episode 2: This second episode focuses on a selection of important microphone specifications, including: directivity and polar patterns, frequency response, phantom power, sensitivity, impedance and self-noise. What do these specifications mean and how do they influence what kind of recording you get? And we’ll look at a concrete example of 2 different mics and how this shows itself in their specifications and how they sound.
Episode 3: In this 3rd and last tutorial of the series we meet artist Signe Lidén to look at her work with experimental microphones, how these work, and we’ll take one of her microphones out for a spin! To see more of Signe’s work, please visit her website.
Nuts and Bolts aims to promote and facilitate decentralized and experimental discourses and activities in the field of music technology. They projects include tutorials, podcasts, workshops and panel conversations. You can visit their website here.
Also, if you want to support Nuts and Bolts, please check out their membership page! There you’ll find several options to support the work they are doing.